Friday, February 18, 2011

The 365 Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled: Prophecy 1

Today begins a new and exciting addition to Bible Prophecy Update. Many people are not aware that the Old Testament contains 365 Prophecies about the coming of the One the Bible calls "The Mashiach ben David", The Messiah, Son of David.It is logical that if there is a God who has the technology to create this vast and complicated universe, that He also possesses the ability to validate who He is. Since it is by words that human beings communicate with each other, and very often those words are communicated through books, it stands to reason that God would communicate with man through human words. Having power over all the events of human history, God could protect and preserve the exact words that He wanted to communicate in a book or compilation of books.I believe that the only Book(s) that meet the criteria for consideration as a validation of God's existence and desire to communicate with man, is the Bible. This conclusion is based on the rational conclusion that the Bible makes bold and assertive claims that certain events will happen in human history that will lead to the introduction of God's Son. This Son will fulfill all the vast and detailed predictions made concerning Himself and will validate who He is when He arrives on the earth.Over the course of the next 365 days, I will post here on Bible Prophecy Update, one of these prophetic predictions made in the Old Testament, and give its fulfillment by Jesus.
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