Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bible Study: Philippians 1

I want you to get the picture. I will try to give you the setting. Paul is in Rome, the capital of the world at that time. He is in a prison.If you go to Rome today, they will show you the Mamartine Prison, which tradition says is the prison that Paul was in. They will take you down into that lower area where Paul was imprisoned according to tradition there in Rome.But he is chained to a guard. And he is waiting for his appeal to Caesar. Now, it is thought that he has already had his first hearing, sort of the preliminary hearing, and his first opportunity to give a defense of the gospel. But he is waiting now for his appeal and his hearing before Caesar.Timothy is there with him. Epaphroditus is there with him. And who else, we are not certain. Epaphroditus will be taking these letters that Paul is writing, to some of the churches. Timothy is probably taking dictation from Paul. Paul, as he is sitting there, chained to a Roman guard, is dictating to Timothy the letters that he is sending from the prison, the letter to the church in Ephesus, the letter, here, to the church in Philippi. Of course, Tychicus is there. He will be taking the letter to the church in Ephesus and also the letter to the church in Colosse.
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