Is time travel possible? Can a person move from one point in time to another? In this 7th Prophecy of the Old Testament, Jesus fulfills it in a most unusual way.There are many instances in the Old Testament where a person called "The Angel of the Lord" appears before men. In all of these occurrences, it is widely accepted amongst Scholars and those who translate the scriptures, that these appearances are by the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ.The technical term for an appearance of God to man is called "A Theophany".A few of the the better know places in the Old Testament where Jesus appears as "The Angel of the Lord" are as follows:To Hagar in Genesis 16:7To Abraham in Genesis 22:11To Moses in Exodus 3:2In each one of these cases, it is the pre-incarnate Jesus speaking to Hagar, Abraham, and Moses. In order for Jesus to be able to speak with each one of these people, He had to pierce the time continuum.
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