Friday, February 18, 2011

Bible Study: Ephesians 2

Paul begins with your favorite subject, you! Don�t try to deny it. If we could take a wide-angle picture of the church tonight, blow it up big, put it on the back wall, who is the first one you would look for?And you hath he quickened, The words �hath he quickened�, you�ll notice are in italics. What that means is that they are not in the original Greek text. They were added by the translators, but were not in the original Greek text, in this place. They do appear down in verse five, �having made alive�. Paul just began this second chapter by saying, �And you who were dead in trespasses and sins; Paul is wanting to share with them the glorious grace of God. But in order that you might appreciate all of the beauty and the glory of God's grace, he is going to first paint a dark background, so that you can see the beauty of the grace of God. It�s sort of like a jeweler displaying a splendid diamond, he puts it on a piece of black velvet. Then he shines a light on it so that every facet of it can sparkle because of the black velvet background. So Paul is painting the black background in order that as he begins to share with you the glories of God's grace, every facet might sparkle and you might see it in its complete beauty.Unfortunately that black background is you! Dead in your trespasses and your sin. Now there is a difference between the trespasses and sin. Sin, in the Greek is to miss the mark. And it follows that a person can miss the mark who is trying to hit the mark. It isn�t always a willful kind of thing. It isn�t always a rebellious thing. Many times it�s just pure weakness on our part. We miss the mark.
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