In the fourth chapter, he begins, I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, Though he was in a prison in Rome, he did not consider himself a prisoner of Rome or of the Roman Government. He considered himself a prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was there in prison because of his preaching and of his teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. So a prisoner of the Lord.And I beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, So as Paul now, enters into this portion of the Book, he is going to be dealing with the walk of the believer. And the first thing he exhorts, is that we walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we were called.What have we been called? We have been called to be saints. We�ve been called to be the children of God through faith. We�ve been called to be the heirs of salvation. So walk worthy as a child of God, as an heir of God, as a saint of God. Walk worthy of the calling wherewith you have been called.And then he describes how we are to walk, in verse two, 2With all lowliness and meekness, There really is no place for pride in the Christian walk. In fact, a person who is proud is a person who has not yet met the Lord. They may know about the Lord. They may profess knowing the Lord. But you cannot have a true encounter with God and remain a proud person.When Isaiah had an encounter with God, chapter six, �I saw the Lord, high and lifted up, His train filled the temple. Then said I, woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips. I dwell among people of unclean lips.�
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