Friday, February 18, 2011

Bible Study: Galatians 3

When Paul came to Jerusalem, bringing an offering that he had taken among the Gentile churches for they poor Jewish brethren in Jerusalem, it was the feast time. Paul wanted to participate in the worship in the temple at the feast. And because he had been out among Gentiles, it was necessary that Paul go through the traditional rites of purification so that he could enter in and worship in the temple. As he was going through these rituals of purification, some of the Jews from Asia saw him. They knew of his ministry among the Gentiles. So they created a ruckus. They started beating up on Paul. They were going to try and kill him. But the Roman guards in the Antonio Fortress saw the ruckus there on the temple mount. They came down and they freed Paul from the hands of the Jews. When they got to the porch, Paul asked the captain if he could address the Jews. He gave him permission. And so as Paul began to share his testimony, he got to the place of the testimony where he said that on the road to Damascus, the Lord said, I am going to send you to the Gentiles. The moment he said the word Gentiles, it was inflammatory, it was like striking a match to a can of gasoline. The thing just exploded. The people began to throw dirt in the air. They began to scream, kill him! Kill him! They began to rush towards the Antonio Fortress. So the captain had them pull Paul in for his own safety. At that time there were forty men who took a vow that they weren�t going to eat until they had killed Paul. Paul became aware as the result of his nephew coming in and telling that he heard these men talking about this. Paul was taken under heavy Roman guard to Caesarea. There were a couple of trials, three trials actually at Caesarea. Paul was there for two years. Finally when he realized he was just a political pawn getting the run around, he exercised his Roman rights as a Roman citizen. He appealed his case to Caesar. So he has been sent to Caesar.
Read More... [Source: Bible Prophecy Update]

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