Lets turn in our Bibles to Galatians, chapter four. This is one of those books of the Bible that probably should not have chapter distinctions, because its just one continuous thought tying together all the way through. So, when you take it in chapter segments, a lot of times you break the chain of thought by stopping at the end of the chapter. As a general rule you need to go back to the last few verses of the previous chapter to sort of get you up to speed. And the fourth chapter is really no different.You have to go back to chapter three to catch up to speed with the thought and the thing that Paul is presenting. And so we are all the children of God. And hes moving into this thought of being God's children. But we are children of Godhow, by our faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. And there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond or free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christs, then are you Abrahams seed. And you are heirs according to the promise.So, heirs of God, children, heirs of God, but not by the law. We are heirs of God according to the promise. And hell close out with that thought at the end of chapter four.Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; Now here is a child, he is born into the wealthy home. The child is the heir of the family fortune. Yet, while he is still a child, he is under the tutelage of the governors, who are teaching, training, and he does not have the right to the fortune, that is, as far as spending it, when he is just a child. As long as he is a child, he is differing really nothing from the servants, as far as that goes. He lives in the household. He has the benefits of living in the household, but still he doesnt have the rights of using the financing of the household, though he really is going to inherit it all, in a technical sense. Ultimately it all belongs to him. But it isnt his to use at the present time.
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