Monday, February 14, 2011

Bible Study: Galatians 5

It must have been difficult for those men who tried to sort of catalog the Scriptures into chapters and verses, to make the proper divisions as far as the chapters are concerned. In the book of Galatians, it is especially difficult, because Paul seem to be continuing on in the same thought, so each chapter, really, is directly connected with the other chapters. So in this idea of freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, that goes back to chapter four, where Paul tells us that we are not the children of the bondwoman but of the free.So he starts chapter five by saying, Stand fast therefore Now we realize that the word, therefore, always has a preceding building up of thought. So Paul, dealing with this thought of the law being represented by Ishmael, the son of Hagar, and the walk in the Spirit being represented, the child by promise, of course, was Isaac. And the one was of the bondwoman and the other was of the free. And Paul likens it to those that are trying to attain a righteousness by the law versus those who have attained unto the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus and that freedom that we have from the law.
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