With our return to the United States from Bantayan Island, we have renewed excitement over the events that have transpired over the past few months.The people of the island welcomed us with open arms and told us that our coming to the Island was an answer to their long awaited prayers to the Lord for help. After the destruction of their homes by a typhoon in 2006, most of the Nipa Huts that the islanders live in were never repaired.Unlike American homes that have complicated and expensive structures, the dwellings of the people in the fishing villages on Bantayan Island, have simple structures made from Coconut trees and Bamboo.We discovered that we can repair partially destroyed homes for about $500.00 and completely rebuild a new home for a little more than $2,000.00Having completed phase one of our ministry to the people of the Island we return to the United States to raise the support that will be needed to return to Bantayan Island this October.We already have a ministry team on the ground on the island preparing and gathering the materials that we will need to begin the construction of many new homes. Once we have raised adequate funds to start the construction of new homes, we will return to the Island later this year.For those of you who have already sent us your financial support while we were on Bantayan Island, you can see how those funds were quickly put to use in the second video we produced while on the island called: "The Children of Bantayan Island", seen on our web site: www.bantayanisland.org. We were able to help over 40 families and open the door to all of our future ministry to the people because of your generosity in giving even while we were still present on the island.
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