Paul, writing to Timothy, said, This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. I believe that we are living in the last days. And I believe that we are seeing the perilous times of which Paul spoke. There are so many areas that are out of control.I was reading an article this week in the newspaper, concerning the number of police who have been arrested because of the dealings with drugs. These are either taking payoffs from the drug dealers or taking the drugs that are confiscated and selling them themselves. In 1980 there were 141 arrests. Last year there were close to 500 arrests of the police officers. The temptation to take the money, to take the bribes, is so great. They offer them large sums of money. If you don�t have a strong moral base, if you grow up with existential philosophy, that what is right is what you feel to be right, what fits the circumstances, if you don�t have a strong Biblical, moral base, you have no moral base! And a culture, a society, that lacks a moral base, is going to fail.We see it in Russia today, where there is no moral base at all. There is no base for morality. We see the chaos that has ensued in the Russian society. The lawlessness, we see the anarchy. And we are seeing it more and more here in the United States. Perilous times will come.
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