Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bible Study: Galatians 2

There probably should not have been a chapter break because Paul is just talking about his contact with the church in Jerusalem, affirming that he did not receive the gospel of grace that he was preaching, from man. It was direct revelation from Jesus Christ! His visits to Jerusalem were very short. There was a long time between them. So he talks about his conversion in Damascus. And then he was three years in Arabia, receiving from the Lord, the revelation directly from Jesus. This revelation of the grace of God manifested through Jesus Christ. It wasnt until he returned to Damascus and then back to Jerusalem, some three years after his conversion, before he ever returned to Jerusalem.It brings up an interesting kind of a situation. He was sent by the high priest to Damascus to imprison those who called upon the name of the Lord. They no doubt had a timetable in which they were expecting him back with a lot of prisoners. And Paul didnt show up. For three years he just dropped out of the whole picture. Then he went up to Jerusalem and was there just a short time, talking with Peter. He did see James. But of the other of the apostles, he really didnt see any of them. They had only heard about him, the one who had persecuted the church was now preaching the faith that he once sought to destroy.
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