Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and World Domination

After 17 days of demonstrations in Egypt, and 30 years of rule, President Hosni Mubarak has ended his dictatorship of Egypt. With the fall of the dictatorship of Egypt and the stepping down of Hosni Mubarak, we are going to see similar movements in other Arab nations in the coming months.There is great concern in Saudi Arabia that a parallel movement will begin shortly in their kingdom. The government leadership is Saudi Arabia is watching the events happening in Egypt today with great interest.The Society of the Muslim Brothers, also known as Al-Ikhwan. claims that they do not want a role in any new government of Egypt.According to their own definition, The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamist transnational movement and the largest political opposition organization in many Arab States.Founded in 1928 in Egypt by the Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna. It is the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood to make the Quran and Sunnah the rule of law and governing authority for the entire world.Using the Quran as their governing authority, the Brotherhood believes that they have The Perfect Way of Life by controlling government and societies with Islamic Government. Their ultimate stated goal is to unify the world in a Caliphate, which is an all out and total control of every facet of life by Islam and the Quran. Under Caliphate the Islamic rule seeks world-wide domination of every country and nation.
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